"Every days we wake up with the target to create with passion and art projects capable to impact and stand out. We work with dedication and method to keep alive the emotional link between customers and brand.
Add to this equation a bit of DIGLITA
and the magic is done!
In short, our dream it’s to make your real."

Discover How

Bespoke services depending on the needs and requests is our strength.

Creative Drection
Art Direction

2D / 3D
CGI Visual

Users Experience
Users Iterface

Viedo Produce
Motion Graphic

Illustation & Retouch

Digital Marketing
Social Media



Thanks to the worldwide experience developed over the years. The LFPthink was founded fromLuca Francesco Panico to provide services and support to all brands.
Inside the DNA composed of the right Mix between passion creativity and quality, you will find:
An Extreme care of the Visual Image "STILL & MOVIE". Awareness of Markert Trends and enterprise's needs. Skills and knowledge in the New Technologies.